Joined: 1969.12.31 00:00:00
Messages: 2199
Location: Watsonville, CA
This is SmartMonsters' Occasional Newsletter
Volume 15 Number 1
[October 31, 2014]
Way lotso news, here are just the highlights. Please see the SmartMonsters web site for all kindsa more.
We've invested major effort to make TriadCity and our Web site as blind-friendly as possible. Now there's a specialized TriadCity UI in testing which speaks all output: no scrolling text, menus, buttons, or other visual impediments. No screen reader required. How cool is that! Right now the technology works happily only on the Mac, but, we're hoping for Windows asap. If you'd like to participate, please let us know! Reply to this message and we'll get back to you. More info in the forum:
===================== News of the Universe ====================
Way simple ''natural language'' commands now supplement the traditional fussy ones. For the most part, you can type whatever you like. Cue Handel's Messiah, and note, now you can like totally invite your mom, dude!
====================== News of the World =====================
Attack of the Giant 20-Foot Badass Potato Chip! The Junk Food Jungle offers traditional MUD-like hack-and-slash with TriadCity-like twists: Rescue the Junk Food Princess! Relieve the Junk Food Dragon of his unnecessary loot! Duke it out with a huge slice of American cheese! Only in TriadCity.
The most dangerous game: Zaroff Park, where discarded slaves go to be hunted. Or: you can hunt the hunters. Or, people who are hunting the hunters can be hunted by the hunters who are hunting you. Stuff like that.
Merchant City is another non-satirical neighborhood where residents are transforming their living space and themselves into something, well, different than it was. Modeled extremely loosely on a real-life area of Glasgow, Scotland, Merchant City is an area of public squares, outdoor cafes, book shops, agitprop theaters, art film houses - yes, we show the movies! - hip hair salons and organic produce markets. Want to see the 1965 French television production of Ubu Roi, with subtitles? Want to find out what Rayette DiPesto has done with her life, or listen to Hugh MacDiarmid busk? Of course you do! Nearby you'll find The Barras and Saint Andrew's Scone, also very loosely inspired by Glasgow. Check em out!
Sneak preview! Coming in November: Twitter Cavern, where real-time Tweets from the Twitter Feed fly like bats and you can blast the ones you dislike. The Olde Globe Theater, where "As You Like It" shows for very good reason. And the Vampire Theme Park, a zone that seriously stretches the boundaries of what textual virtual worlds can be, provided you devote enough computer horsepower. Watch this space!
TriadCity on Twitter:
Experience is 25% higher all day Saturday PST. Health and energy regeneration is also faster. Come join us then and rack up those levels.
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Happy Halloween! Meet you in The City!
- Gary and Mark.
This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 2019.09.09 17:06:02