Frequently-Asked Questions

What's the difference between my SmartMonsters membership and my TriadCity character(s)?

Your SmartMonsters membership gains you access to all the private, member-only areas of our Web site. These include write access to our bulletin boards, TriadCity, Midgaard, Dungeon, and future games. Your SmartMonsters membership represents you: your name, your e-mail address, and so on. This is the real you we mean here; and, since there's only one of you, you have just one of these accounts.

By contrast, your characters are fictional entities which you create as part of your participation in the "make believe" of our Worlds. You can create as many characters as you like, although you can visit as just one of them at a time. Your characters are able to cross World boundaries: you can leave Midgaard to explore TriadCity or Dungeon if you like, and vice-versa.

Is there overlap between your SmartMonsters membership and your characters? Yes, sort of. The main thing they have in common is your password. All of your characters share the password used by your SmartMonsters member account. We did this for sake of simplicity: just one password to remember. It might be helpful to think of it this way: your SmartMonsters membership is the entity which controls all your access; your characters "belong" to it. Hopefully this makes sense.

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