TriadCity Message of the Day

TriadCity's online newspaper, The Adventurer, begins publication today. Click here to check it out!

Edited by TelGar, The Adventurer reports news of general interest as it happens, twenty-four hours a day. Plus, it also publishes articles of civic and cultural interest to all TriadCity residents and visitors, including things like restaurant reviews; theater criticism; investigative journalism; interviews; and op-ed pieces.

Now here's the really fun part. All TriadCity characters are welcome to write for it, and, if TelGar approves your articles, you'll be paid game bucks when they're published. Is this cool?, or what!

You should contact TelGar with your concept before writing it up. He may approve it, may disapprove it, or may suggest alterations. He'll negotiate the price with you, and establish the length he expects. And, he may edit it before publication. You'll be paid in Dinars, and of course your writing will be online for all to share.

Just to make this really, really cool, a professional Reporter Role is under development. This Neutral-only Role will include access to areas of the City which are typically off-limits; priority access to Poobah and Mark for interviews; and payment in experience, as well as Dinars. Please write to TelGar to express your interest.

Check it out, and contact TelGar if you're into writing!

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