TriadCity Message of the Day

TriadCity's great friend Nina Smith (Gwene, Viva, Ylva, others) has published her first book!

Titled Choosing How to Teach & Teaching How to Choose: Using the 3Cs to Improve Learning, amazon describes it this way:

Nina Smith, Choosing How To Teach "The next transformation in education is already on our doorstep. A shift from the old paradigm - rote memorization led by an authoritarian force - to a more collaborative environment where students are empowered to become lifelong learners and encouraged to be responsible for their own learning. This book attempts to explain how student-centered practices are superior to older models of education."

While especially interesting to those of us with backgrounds in non-traditional education, Nina tells us that some of her ideas were influenced by TC's concepts of collaboration and anti-authoritarianism. How cool is that!

Check out Nina's blog for more info.

Congratulations Nina!

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