TriadCity Message of the Day
SmartMonsters finally has a proper refer-a-friend feature.
Pretty straight-up. Enter your friend's name and email address and click the button.
Friend referral can earn you major perks. Whenever any friend you bring to TriadCity Levels, you'll automatically be spiffed a quantity of Reward Points equal to the new level they've gained. That's potentially a hefty pile of Reward Points and it becomes ever larger as you bring more and more people into the game. You can spend RPs in-game to restore energy and health, buy Dinars, buy Practices, and even buy yourself an emergency Torch. There'll be more in time, including premium Items and Roles. Watch this space.
Now, be sure to note that if anyone were to abuse this feature by sending unwanted spam-like invites to people who aren't interested, we'll kick their ass. OK? Warned.
Thanks! Looking forward to meeting the cool new people you'll bring!
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