Join SmartMonsters!

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Create your free SmartMonsters account!

One free account gives you access to all of our games.

Personal Information
Account Information
Character Information
* all fields are required:
Gender: * 
Blind or visually impaired: * 

(Your e-mail address makes a good Member ID.)

(This is a name for your first Dungeon character.)
Newsletter: * 
Terms: * 
Why do we require an account?
Our privacy policy

Why do we ask for your email address? We won't spam you, and we won't sell or give away your address. We ask for this so that we can contact you if there's a problem. This is part of how we keep our games and our bulletin boards friendly and cooperative. Our newsletter is strictly opt-in: the opt-out button is part of the form. Please see our privacy policy for more details.

Why do we ask if you're visually impaired? We can customize your web site and game experiences, eliminating unnecessary annoyances. You can change this setting later from the Account menu.