Synonyms: kill
NLP Enabled? limited
1. attack <target> | 1. attack troll |
2. attack <target> <specifier> | 2. attack troll ugly |
3. attack <specifier> <target> | 3. attack ugly troll |
4. attack <n>.<target> | 4. attack 2.troll |
- Use form one when there's no possible ambiguity. In the example, there's only one troll in the current room.
- Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's an ugly troll, a short troll, a skinny troll, etc.
- Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's an ugly troll, a short troll, a skinny troll, etc.
- Use form four when there are many instances of <target> present, and you want to attack one of them in particular.
When you Attack something, you initiate a fight which may or may not turn out to have lethal consequences, depending on whether you're also wielding a weapon; whether your opponent is wielding a weapon; and who gets lucky.
The Dungeon parser has limited NLP capability. You can successfully use "attack the troll" and a few other variations.
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