The TriadCity Adventurer

All the News that Causes Fits

LordAgular Killed

By Sunni and Poobah
Month of Horses 23, Year of the Dog 1

LordAgular met his demise today in the Forest of Silver Threads. He will be greatly mourned throughout the city.

His fiancée Sunni had this to say, with tears in her eyes: "I will miss his presence greatly. I do not have a body to bury, or a marker to remember him by, but he will forever be in my heart and my thoughts. And I know that somewhere, his spirit will be re-incarnated and I will find my love again."

Please pause a moment today to remember a great friend who has passed away. Learn from his example, the City holds many dangers, even for those of strength.



Everyone should be strongly encouraged to learn from LordAgular's untimely death.

Do not enter areas known to be dangerous except in a group. This will become exceptionally crucial as the City grows. Teamwork is essential in facing dangers.

Do not attempt to move inside the Forest of Silver Threads if you're:

  • below perfect health, for instance, from a previous encounter with the Arachnids; or
  • below perfect energy.
Instead, rest up, regen, and prepare to face the menace in peak condition.


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