Dream a TriadCity Dream

One of the waycool things about TriadCity is that TC characters dream when they sleep. Of course, they dream -- er -- interesting dreams. The example below is just one possibility. Refresh the page as many times as you like to see others.

Note that the dreams you see here are slightly limited compared to the ones in-game. That's because the game engine has access to every character's complete life history, capabilities, and other attributes. It's able to tailor dreams more toward each individual. These are more generic. But, they're still pretty cool!

Please do refresh as many times as you like to continue dreaming.

Who's Ger Ger? Who's dear Gerald? O, I much fear he shall be most badly burned. Will some pleashe pershon not now impediment so catastrophics mit agitation of firstclass tablenumpkin? (He mews.) Luss puss puss puss! (He sighs, draws back and stares sideways down with dropping underjaw.) Well, well. He doth rest anon.

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