How Does TriadCity Differ From Other Multi-Player Role-Playing Games?

In TriadCity there are alternatives to violence.

Typical adventure MUDs privilege violence as the road to experience. In these environments, players develop skills by killing increasingly large numbers of automata, or other players. Essentially the purpose of the game is to kill enough things to climb to ever higher levels. In Triad there are alternative paths to experience and growth, which we call life paths. An example we like to make is that of Historian. A character who chooses the Historian role gains experience by discovering -- or helping to invent -- the past of the world. You should note that our current implementation barely scratches the surface of these concepts. As the game matures the number and variety of roads to growth will be limited only by the collective imaginations of our players, authors, and programmers.

Additionally, Triad abounds in tasks and challenges which simply cannot be solved through violence. In many cases violence is just about the worst choice you can make. You may not get killed, but you might well get arrested. Which, in some neighborhoods, is really not a good thing.

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