How to Play TriadCity

The TriadCity Players' Guide

Table of Roles

These are all of the character Roles currently implemented.
Italic font plus asterisk (*) indicates that the Role is not (yet) available to Players:

Role Alignment Min Level Energy Cost to Apprentice Skills Required Role(s) Incompatible With Role(s)
Actor all 10 25 none none none
Administrator all invitation n/a none none none
Artist all n/a n/a Pen none none
Astrologer (*) all 10 25 none none Warrior
Banker (*) all 25 100 none none Oracle, Warrior
BloodHound Evil 10 25 ScanBlood StealBlood none Citizen Of NorthWest, Healer, Landlord Hunter, Liberator, Malopath
Bot Master all invitation n/a Pen none none
Bounty Hunter all 15 25 Shackle, Track none Cop, Oracle, Pacifist, Peacemaker, Warrior
Builder all invitation n/a Pen none none
Cartographer all 10 25 Pen none none
Citizen of NorthEast (*) Evil, Neutral 10 25 none none Citizen of NorthWest, Citizen of South, Healer, Liberator, Pacifist, Peacemaker
Citizen of NorthWest (*) Good, Neutral 10 25 none none Blood Hound, Citizen of NorthEast, Citizen of South, Malopath, Poltergeist, Undead, Vampire
Citizen of South (*) all 10 25 none none Citizen of NorthEast, Citizen of NorthWest, Landlord Hunter, Liberator
Cleric all 10 25 none none Healer, Herbalist, Magician, Malopath, Mercenary, Warrior
Code Warrior all invitation n/a Pen none none
Collector (*) all 10 25 none none none
Comedian all 10 25 none none none
Cop (*) all 10 25 Shackle none Bounty Hunter, Oracle
Cosmetologist (*) all 10 25 BodyPierce, Manicure none none
Doctor (*) all 10 25 DiagnoseIllness, Revive, ScanBlood none Oracle, Warrior
Explorer Neutral 10 10 none ALL
Fido Hunter all 10 25 Track none Ghost, Warrior
Ghost (*) all 10 25 none none Oracle, Undead, Vampire
Guide (*) all 10 25 none none none
Guild Master (*) all 50 250 none Teacher none
Hacker (*) all 15 25 none none none
HairStylist (*) all 15 25 none none Warrior
Healer Good 10 25 AstralEnergize, AstralHeal, AstralLook, AstralMove, AstralProject, DiagnoseIllness, DrawIllness, DrawLisp, DrawParalysis, DrawStutter, Energize, DrawMagicCircle, Heal, RemoveLisp, RemoveParalysis, RemoveStutter, Revive, RitualClean, ScanBlood, Trance none Blood Hound, Citizen Of North East, Cleric, Liberator, Magician, Malopath, Mercenary, Poltergeist, Ranger, Thief, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Herbalist all 10 25 Actuate, DrawMagicCircle, RitualClean, Trance none Cleric, Magician, Malopath, Mercenary, Poltergeist, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Historian (*) all 10 25 none none none
Innkeeper (*) all 10 25 none none none
Janitor (*) all 10 25 none none Warrior
Jester (*) Neutral invitation n/a none none Warrior
Judge (*) all 10 25 Pen none Oracle
Landlord Hunter Good 18 250 Track none Blood Hound, Citizen Of North East, Citizen Of South, Ghost, Malopath, Poltergeist, Undead, Vampire,
Lawyer (*) all 10 25 Pen none Oracle
Liberator (*) Good 20 50 Backstab, Dagger, Hide, Knife, Lockpick, Peek, Razor, Rescue, Shackle, Sneak, Steal Thief Blood Hound, Citizen of NorthEast, Citizen of South, Healer, Magician, Malopath, Mercenary, Oracle, Poltergeist, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Librarian (*) all 10 25 Pen none none
Magician all 10 25 AstralBefuddle, AstralConfuse, AstralLook, AstralMove, AstralMystify, AstralProject, Befuddle, Confuse, DrawMagicCircle, Evaluate Mystify, Stick, Sword, RitualClean, ScanBlood, StealBlood, Trance none Cleric, Healer, Herbalist, Liberator, Malopath, Mercenary, Ranger, Thief, Warrior
Malopath Evil 10 25 AstralEnergyDrain, AstralEnergySteal, AstralHarm, AstralLook, AstralMove, AstralProject, DrawMagicCircle, EnergyDrain, EnergySteal, Harm, HiddenEnergyDrain, HiddenEnergySteal, HiddenHarm, RitualClean, Trance none Blood Hound, Cleric, Citizen of NorthWest, Healer, Herbalist, Liberator, Mercenary, Poltergeist, Ranger, Thief, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Mercenary (*) all 10 25 none none Healer, Herbalist, Liberator, Magician, Malopath, Oracle, Pacifist, Peacemaker
Merchant (*) all 10 25 Evaluate none Oracle
Musician (*) all 10 25 none none none
Notary (*) all 10 25 none none Oracle, Warrior
Oracle (*) all 10 25 none none Banker, Bounty Hunter, Cop, Ghost, Judge, Lawyer, Liberator, Mercenary, Merchant, Notary, Politician, Poltergeist, Thief, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Pacifist (*) all 10 25 none none Bounty Hunter, Citizen of NorthEast, Mercenary, Warrior
Peacemaker (*) Good 20 250 none Magician Bounty Hunter, Citizen of NorthEast, Mercenary, Poltergiest, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Philosopher (*) all 10 25 none none none
Pigeon Hunter all 10 25 Track none Ghost, Warrior
Poet (*) all 10 25 none none none
Politician (*) all 10 25 Pen none Oracle
Poltergeist (*) all 10 25 none none Citizen of NorthWest, Oracle, Undead, Vampire
Prophet (*) all 10 25 none none none
Prostitute (*) all 10 25 none none none
Ranger all 10 25 Axe, Club, DiagnoseIllness, Disarm, Hide, Knife, Longbow, Rescue, Revive, Stick, Track, Trip none Healer, Magician, Malopath, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Rat Hunter all 10 25 Track none Ghost, Warrior
Recycler Good, Neutral 1 0 none none Ghost, Vampire
Reporter Neutral 10 25 Pen none Healer, Liberator, Malopath, Peacemaker, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Scholar (*) all 10 25 none none none
Seer (*) all 10 25 none none none
Sentinel (*) all 10 25 none none none
Servant (*) all 10 25 none none none
Storyteller (*) all 10 25 none none none
Teacher (*) all 10 25 Teach none none
TelevisionWriter all 10 25 Pen none none
Thief all 10 25 Backstab, Dagger, Evaluate, Hide, Knife, Lockpick, Peek, Razor, ScanBlood, Sneak, Steal, StealBlood none Healer, Magician, Malopath, Oracle, Warrior
Undead (*) Evil 10 25 none none Citizen of NorthWest, Ghost, Healer, Herbalist, Liberator, Malopath, Oracle, Peacemaker, Poltergeist, Ranger, Reporter
Vampire (*) Evil 10 25 Evaluate, ParalysisState, ScanBlood, StealBlood Undead Citizen of NorthWest, Ghost, Healer, Herbalist, Liberator, Malopath, Oracle, Peacemaker, Poltergeist, Ranger, Reporter
Waiter (*) all 10 25 none none none
Warrior all 10 25 Club, Cutlass, Dagger, Disarm, Hammer, Longbow, Pistol, Rapier, Razor, Rescue, Rifle, Spear, Stick, Sword, Trip, Whip none Astrologer, Banker, Bounty Hunter, Cleric, Cosmetologist, Doctor, Healer, Herbalist, Janitor, Jester, Liberator, Magician, Malopath, Notary, Oracle, Pacifist, Peacemaker, Ranger, Reporter, Thief
Italic plus asterisk (*) indicates that the Role is not (yet) available in-game for Players

Players' Guide TOC

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