
Purpose: use one or another device to learn details about someone's blood type
Synonyms: none
NLP Enabled? no

1. scanblood <target> 1. scanblood guard
2. scanblood <target> <specifier> 2. scanblood guard tall
3. scanblood <specifier> <target> 3. scanblood tall guard
4. scanblood <n>.<target> 4. scanblood 2.guard


  1. Use form one when there's no possible ambiguity. In the example, there's only one guard in the current room.
  2. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a tall guard, a short guard, a skinny guard, etc.
  3. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a tall guard, a short guard, a skinny guard, etc.
  4. Use form four when there are many instances of <target> present, and you want to scan one of them in particular.

To use the ScanBlood command you must be Holding an Item which enables it. You must have an enabling Role, and as with most TriadCity commands, you'll probably need the appropriate Skill — ScanBloodSkill in this case — to succeed.

Note that only humans are scan-able. While many animals also have blood, theirs is not useful in the TriadCity world.

Because this command is not (yet) enabled for Natural Language Parsing, you'll have to use the command syntax specified above.

Note lastly there's no exp gain from the ScanBlood command. It's a utility only, which you may or may not find useful, depending.

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