Purpose: drink liquid from a container or other source.Synonyms: none
drink <thing> | drink bottle | drink the beer |
drink <thing> <qualifier> | drink fountain red | drink from the red fountain |
drink <qualifier> <thing> | drink red fountain | sip from that red fountain over there |
drink <n>.<thing> | drink 2.bottle | drink from the second bottle in my inventory |
- Use form one when there's no ambiguity re the container you want to drink from. The container must be in your inventory; or it must be a fountain, stream, basin, or other public source in the current room.
- Use forms two or three when there are many instances of <thing> present, and you want to drink from one of them in particular.
- Use forms two or three when there are many instances of <thing> present, and you want to drink from one of them in particular.
- Use form four when there are many instances of <thing> present, and you want to drink from one of them in particular.
Drinking may have several possible effects. First, you could become less thirsty than you were. But not necessarily: drinking salt water will make your thirst worse. Second, you could become less able to eat than you were; that is, you could fill up on liquid. This is not necessarily a good idea in the long run, unless you're trying to lose weight. Third, there could be one or more intoxication affects, if the liquid is alcoholic, drugged or poisoned. Fourth, there could be one or more nutritional affects, depending on the type of liquid. Whew! — makes you want to kindof watch what you put down your throat, doesn't it? Good, that's the idea.
Because the command is enabled for "natural language" parsing, you can use all kinds of variations and still be understood. "Drink from the fountain", "drink from fountain", "drink a bottle", "drink the second bottle", "drink 2.bottle" and many others will all do fine.
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